How To Keep Your Small Business’ Network and Intellectual Property Safe Online 

To keep your small business safe online, you need a comprehensive strategy, one that protects your intellectual property as well as your network security. 

A data breach can cause just as much damage to your business as copyright infringement. Aside from being costly and time-consuming, both can also negatively impact your business’ reputation. 

Fortunately, there are a few proactive steps you can take to keep them at bay and be more prepared in case something happens. 

Here are some practices to protect your company’s online data and intellectual property. Following these practices can help prevent cyber threats, keep hackers away, and maintain customer trust. 

9 Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses 

Keeping your network secure is an ongoing effort and you must be diligent about it. Start by establishing cybersecurity policies and practices in your company. Be sure to update them as technologies and security threats change. 

Password hygiene 

Make strong passwords, change them every few months, and make sure you don’t reuse them. Different passwords should be used for different accounts to help prevent hacking. 

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) to make your accounts more secure. This requires a second verification step, usually a code sent to your mobile device. 

Use social media with caution 

Monitor all social media accounts and set them up with both 2FA and secure passwords. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in any messages or comments you receive and, if necessary, report it. 

Protect your network and devices with security tools 

Invest in antivirus and antimalware software for protection against online threats like viruses and ransomware. Adding a firewall to your operating system or installing one on remote workers’ systems is also recommended. All computers should be patched for security. 

Every time your security software is updated, run a scan. This software should also be set up to automatically scan your system for threats every month. 

Update your software regularly 

Make sure you’re running the latest version of your operating system, web browser, antimalware, and any other software you use. Back up your data and systems often and have a plan for responding to data breaches. 

Learn about data privacy and stay on top of cyber scams 

Keep up with the latest data privacy best practices, scams, and regulations. Adjust your security protocols as needed and notify your employees when anything changes. 

Use secure Wi-Fi Networks 

Be sure that your office’s Wi-Fi network is secure and encrypted and that its router is password-protected. You can also encrypt your internet connection with a virtual private network (VPN) for an extra layer of security. 

When you’re not working at your office, avoid connecting to unprotected networks and devices when viewing or transferring confidential documents. 

Train employees on security measures 

Educate employees on how to adhere to your company’s cybersecurity protocols and the importance of doing so. You can keep employees on top of the current cyber threats and best practices with routine security awareness training sessions. 

Mobile device management 

Tablets, laptops, and mobile devices pose some security risks, particularly if they store sensitive information or have access to corporate networks. To keep company data safe, all employee devices should be encrypted, password-protected, and have security apps installed. Implement procedures for reporting equipment that has been stolen or lost. 

Intellectual Property Rights And The Internet

Creative works and brand identities are especially vulnerable to intellectual property infringement online. Internet law can help defend and protect your company’s IP and online assets. 


Copyright law automatically protects creative works that are original and tangible, including music, images, videos, and text. Your business’ copyrighted materials can only be used with your permission, whether it’s online or offline. Should they be used without your permission, you would be able to take legal action and potentially claim damages.


To prevent infringement, counterfeiting, and brand dilution, trademark registration is necessary. Internet law has several measures to address trademark infringement, such as cease-and-desist letters and legal proceedings. 


Inventions protected by patents are protected from others reproducing, using, or selling them without the inventor’s consent. Under Internet law, if your patent is used without your permission, you can file a lawsuit or appeal to the US Patent and Trademark Office.

If You Need Consulting Regarding Internet Law and Your Intellectual Property, Sanchelima & Associates Can Help 

Sanchelima & Associates, P.A. is one of the leading intellectual property law firms in South Florida. With over 40 years of experience, we have represented the IP interests of a wide array of businesses in the US and abroad, including Fortune 500 companies. Whether you need a consultation or prosecution of a patent, trademark, or copyright, we can protect your business’s interests.

Contact us to book your consultation! 

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